Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Singapore: a Global Hub for Education?

How does Singapore fare as an education hub?

Singapore’s focus on its education system makes sense when you think of its meritocratic branding, and its reliance on its people as a resource, given its lack of natural resources. Given the result-oriented nature of Singapore, it’s education system has since emerged as one of the toughest—drawing as much flak for its survival-of-the-fittest stance, as it has praise. The challenge and prestige of their education system (amongst the best in Asia), has seen a steady increase of international students flocking to their shores.

However, it is not just the students who are flocking. Lecturers, and even foreign institutions and universities are making their way to the island’s sunny shores, showing that everyone wants a piece of the pie. However, some foreign universities have found a way to co-exist with local institutions. The University of London is one good example. Instead of erecting an offshore campus, it has integr\pated its courses into local institutions. Locally renowned institutions like SIM University, Kaplan University and MAGES Institute of Excellence all offer one of Universityof London’s various international programmes.

While University of London’s International Programmes have always had a tradition of being global, other foreign universities have also established themselves locally, with universities such as Curtin even going so far as to set up a Singapore campus.

The creative education sectors especially, has seen an increase of foreign students and academies in the last decade. Visual effects courses in particular, are doing really well—blockbuster hits such as Godzilla and Pacific Rim have all outsourced their work to Singapore, due to the increased quality of infrastructure, support and talent pool.
While foreign universities have made their mark in Singapore, locally founded institutions have also stepped up their game. One good example would be MAGES Institute of Excellence, set-up in 2010, the school has seen a rise in prominence in the last 4 years. Recognizing job market needs, the school has set up itself to specialize in tertiary education and professional training for members of the creative technology industry. With courses ranging from visual effects courses specialization to video game design and development, the institute has been rewarded with its quality education and foresight by gaining recognition from the Council of Private Education (CPE) with its Edutrust branding.

It is institutions like MAGES that helps Singapore maintain its competitive standing as an education hub. While not yet at the level of elite destinations such as America (Harvard, Yale) and England (Oxford, Cambridge), it is clearly the leading destination in its region, and one of the top destinations in Asia.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Studying in Singapore- A look into Diploma Courses in Animation

Despite being a state of scholars, Singapore has in truth, long been a nation of skill-based individuals. Singapura as it was once known, had its roots as a bustling port for trade. This continued to be a trend up until the time of its colonialism by the British.

However, after the British left and Singapore became independent in 1965, the nation’s manufacturing industry blossomed under the guidance of its leaders. Since then, Singapore has always levied on its skilled manpower in order to make up for its lack of resources. The rapid development of media and technology has not escaped the country’s leaders, and the past two decades have seen the country develop its infrastructure accordingly.

In the past decade especially, the animation industry in Singapore has made extraordinary breakthroughs, in terms of influence, presence in the international industry, infrastructure and government support. Singapore is now the envy of its region having been involved in blockbuster hits such as Godzilla, Pacific Rim, Clone Wars: The Animated Series and more.

Education for Animation, has evolved accordingly with the industry, and several government and private institutions have shown their presence in recent years by producing alumni that have graced these very blockbuster productions that have put Singapore on the map in terms of Animation.

One such institution is MAGES Institute of Excellence. With a strong focus on game design, as well as animation courses, their modules range from the basics such as Character Game Design, to more complicated programming and art modules.Learn diploma courses in animation & give shape to your imagination.Create  your own animation video.Check this funny animation video......

Its Diploma courses in Animation even has a progression into an Advanced Diploma programme that allows you to choose one of three specialities involving, Visual Effects, 3D Character Modelling where you will upgrade your character design skills, as well as Character Animation.

Such specialized schools who are closely tied to the industry and its practitioners, place a high emphasis on ensuring that its students and its curriculum meet the dynamic needs of the industry. As a bonus, the school not only offers long courses, but professional short courses for practicing professionals to add-on or to refresh themselves in their respective field.

If you have ever considered picking up a tertiary course in animation, or wish to improve on existing skills such as character design for games and film, take a look-see at institutions and colleges in Singapore before you consider pricier options in traditional animation powerhouses such as in the United States.