Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Explore the Virtual world with Visual effects Courses to Showcase Your Creativity

If there are wild imaginations brewing in your mind with jaw dropping sequences and awe inspiring fiery sparks creating a virtual world, it can be said that you have an infectious creativity. If you can fabricate a story line just with the help of few images or pictures, you may have the ability to pursuit excellence in the field of virtual world where you can create a nonexistent thing to give it life to tell a tale of its own, you deserve to be on a platform which can give wings to your thoughts which is none other than the Visual Effects Courses.

The culminating thoughts in your brain and swirling ideas in your mind are to be compiled with a passionate composure and the assorted vague sequences are to be streamlined to get the best out of you. Where else can it be? Go for visual effects courses!! Yes! You fit the bill perfectly!!MAGES is such an institute who exactly need people like you. Animation, clay molding, game design, entertainment design, communication design, motion graphics and many more to hone your skills are our day to day business seeking experts in our institute. 

Guidance by experts in the industry: Faculty members are the experts of the industry and hence there is a pursuit of quality in teaching as well learning for the students. 

9:1 student to lecturer ratio: The student teacher ratio being as low as 9:1, the students can spend quality time with the faculty members.   

Game and animation specialization: Specialized graduate and post graduate diploma courses offered for the most sought after game and animation segment.

Centralized location: Located in the heart of Singapore, the institute is very accessible to working professionals and students.

International affiliations: MAGES takes pride in being affiliated with renowned global universities named Abertay University. This allows us to sculpt the career path for the students who want to be indulged in the media field as a full time employee.

Facilities for the students: 

Best faculty in Singapore: We take pride in deploying the best personnel in terms of faculty as it takes the greatest of effort to induce the concept in students’ minds. 

Well equipped class rooms: Class rooms deployed with modern technology are the comfort factors for students as the environment provokes the zeal for learning in them. 

Laptops and wifi facilities: Students are not less with any aspect when it comes to learning as each one of them is provided with a laptop and a wifi connection.

Secured campus: All the students are in safe hands with continually monitored and secured campus.

Learning, teaching and assessments are formatted to ensure that all our students get the best from our range of procedures.The advanced programs depend on lectures, workshops assessments and seminars which help the students in brainstorming. The learning is in a happy and creative way on the whole.

The job prospects are enormous post the course completion and your intrigue to explore the virtual world can take you to highest of success and accomplishment with these Visual Effects Courses.